Offhand, I'd say that these three photographs pretty much say it all :

                                      Jenna Bush Expressing Herself to the Assembled Press    

A relevant question might be : What is in the "mind" of this spoiled child,
looking directly into the camera ?

  Duhbya, Lost in Thought
And, one might ask, what is in the "mind" of the mindless parent (of that child) ?

But, the only real question is : What is in the Mind of the elderly Iraqi man on the right ??

Two Iraqi Men Responding to the Death of a Kinsman

The eloquence of his expressive, life-informed face, staring directly into the camera
(held, no doubt by a Stranger in his "Strange Land")
simply cannot be sufficently "spun", even by the very best ChickenHawk Rovester.
This man in centered, aware of what is going on around him, penetratively inquisitive,
his son or nephew beside him, grieving for some recently killed kinsman.
I've never seen the like, myself.
Though I can well imagine that dozens of similar photographs could be found
from the Vietnam Era, perhaps from Trisha's Wedding.
Here, again, is the relevant juxtapositon:

Jenna Bush Expressing Herself to the Assembled Press
      Two Iraqi Men Responding to the Death of a Kinsman

"What we have here, is a Failure to Communicate."